Training Enrollment FAQ
How will I know if I have been enrolled in the Groundwire Training Academy?
When you were enrolled in the Groundwire Training Academy, you received an eMail and text message from our training team. That eMail included the information you need to get started with your training. If you did not receive it, please eMail to receive instructions to get started.
Where do I go to start my training?
Your training is hosted on 360 Learning:
You will use the eMail address you gave us on your application. If you do not remember your password, look below for instructions.
Groundwire Training Academy on 360 FAQ
How do I access the Groundwire Training Academy on 360 Learning?
Your training is hosted on 360 Learning:
You will use the eMail address you gave us on your application. If you do not remember your password, look below for instructions.
I forgot my 360 password.
The best solution is to navigate to the login page and then click the FORGOT YOUR PASSWORD link.
​Is there an app for 360?
Yes! When you navigate to on your phone's browser, it will offer you a link to your phone's app store to download the app.
I logged in but the screen is blank.
Most likely you logged in with an eMail address that is different from the one you gave us on your application. Please try again with that address. If you don't remember that address, please eMail
Why is 360 running so slowly for me?
There could be a number of reasons for this. Here are some troubleshooting steps:
Make sure you are accessing the Groundwire Training Academy via the Google Chrome web browser. (If not, you can download it here:
Close all tabs in your web browser except for the Groundwire Training Academy tab.
Quit Google Chrome and reopen it.
Clear your Google Chrome cache. Instructions:
Close any other applications/programs that are running.
Restart your computer.
Check your Internet Service Provider's (ISP's) tools to make sure you are receiving consistent bandwidth.
Make sure that there are no other people streaming video content on other devices while you are trying to watch the video.
Move as close to your wireless router as possible.
If possible, run a cable from your router to your computer.
Try again at a different time of day.
Why won't the next lesson show up for me?
Please ensure you have completed the entire lesson you just submitted. Here are some things to check:
Have you submitted all quiz answers?
Have you scrolled all the way to the bottom of the page since watching the video?
If you are moving from one pathway to another, it can take 5-10 minutes for the system to process your progress.
If you have waited longer than this, please contact for assistance.
I failed a quiz. What do I do?
All quizzes (except for the last lesson in "Heart of Coaching" and "Feet of Coaching") sre set to automatically reset if you miss an answer. If your quiz has not reset, please do the following:
Scroll through each question to ensure that you have marked an answer and submitted your answer.
Ensure that every question indicates that your answer has been received and is marked either correct or incorrect. If there is no "grade," then you need to reconsider your naswer.
If that does not address your concern, please eMail for assistance.
Where do I find the L.E.T.S. book?
Where do I find the Echo training manual?
What do I do if I cannot see the same things in Echo that Coach Earl is demonstrating in the technology videos?
See the Technology Training FAQ.
Do I need a webcam for training or coaching?
Our ministry uses a chat-based approach to connecting with people needing Jesus. We do not connect with them on the phone or over a webcam. The only time you will need a webcam is during your New Trainee Orientation (and maybe during your Virtual Ministry Session). However, if you do not have a webcam already, you can connect to Zoom with a smartphone or tablet. If you are unable to use your smartphone or tablet for Zoom, you may connect to Zoom through a regular phone call and bypass the need for a camera.
Technology Training FAQ
I don't know how to log in to Echo so I can follow along with these lessons.
Please see the Echo FAQ below.
​Do I need a webcam for training or coaching?
Our ministry uses a chat-based approach to connecting with people needing Jesus. We do not connect with them on the phone or over a webcam. The only time you will need a webcam is during your New Trainee Orientation (and maybe during your Virtual Ministry Session). However, if you do not have a webcam already, you can connect to Zoom with a smartphone or tablet. If you are unable to use your smartphone or tablet for Zoom, you may connect to Zoom through a regular phone call and bypass the need for a camera.
Echo Global FAQ
I never got account information for Echo (username or password).
You can access Echo here:
Your username is the eMail address you provided us on your application.
If you don't know your password, please click the FORGOT PASSWORD? link on the login screen.
How do I log in to Echo?
You can access Echo here:
You will use the eMail you provided us on your application.
If you don't know your password, please click the FORGOT PASSWORD? link on the login screen.
Is there an Echo app that I can use with my mobile device?
Apple App Store:
Google App Store:
​What is the tenant/team name in the Echo app?
I forgot my password OR Echo is not accepting my password.
We suggest doing 3 things on the login screen:
Click the REMEMBER ME box.
Make sure you are using the eMail address you gave us when you applied to become a coach.
Click the FORGOT PASSWORD? link. This will send you an eMail with password reset instructions.
I don't see any training in Echo. Where do I find it?
All of your training is hosted on 360 Learning. For help with that, please see the 360 FAQ above.
What do I do if I cannot see the same things in Echo that Coach Earl is demonstrating in the technology videos?
You will be able to see most things in Echo EXCEPT for the things in the INBOX and the number of coaches active (at the top of the Conversation Pane, next to the pictures of coaches). Once your chat permissions are activated in Echo, you will be able to see those things, too. Your chat permissions will be temporarily activated during your Training Sessions and permanently activated once you graduate from the Groundwire Training Academy.
Why does it show ZERO Team Members in the top left corner of the Conversation Pane?
That sometimes happens. Please try refreshing your browser tab (CTRL R for Windows users; COMMAND R for Mac users). If that does not resolve it, don't fret! You can still see who is online by clicking on the 0 Team Members.
Do I need a webcam for training or coaching?
Our ministry uses a chat-based approach to connecting with people needing Jesus. We do not connect with them on the phone or over a webcam. The only time you will need a webcam is during your New Trainee Orientation (and maybe during your Virtual Ministry Session). However, if you do not have a webcam already, you can connect to Zoom with a smartphone or tablet. If you are unable to use your smartphone or tablet for Zoom, you may connect to Zoom through a regular phone call and bypass the need for a camera.